Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Gender, Race and Gangs free essay sample

In much of social science research, gender, race, class, and other dimensions of identity are treated as discrete variables, to be studied and measured separately. In recent years, however, feminist sociological theorists have argued that race, gender, class, and other axes of identity must be treated as overlapping and intersecting forms of oppression. Kimberle Crenshaw, (1989) was among the first to articulate this theory, and coined the term â€Å"intersectionality† to describe it. Intersectionality has emerged as a major paradigm of research in women’s studies (McCall 2005). In her book Black Feminist Thought, Patricia Hill Collins argues that we must understand â€Å"race, class, and gender as interlocking systems of oppression† (Collins 1990: 553). Intersectionality has also been used to understand the experiences of other women of color (e. g. , Crenshaw 1991). Intersectionality has tremendous potential to yield insights into the experiences of women in gangs, who are likely to be poor and minorities. Furthermore, the fact that the concept of intersectionality has proved useful in studies of women in other areas of criminology shows that intersectionality will likely yield insights into female gang members. We will write a custom essay sample on Gender, Race and Gangs or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Our research, therefore, will interview female gang members of different races to attempt to answer the question of how intersecting gendered and racialized identities affect the lives of women in gangs. Our paper will provide and overview of the existing literature on race, gender, and gangs. We will argue that an intersectional analysis of race and gender in gang life is needed to fill a gap in the literature and to fully understand how these dimensions of identity affect gang life. Next, we will outline our proposed methodology for studying the intersectionality of gender and race in gangs. Finally, we will summarize what can be learned form our proposed study and why this knowledge is essential to better understand gang life. Literature Review Though gangs are often considered a male phenomenon, research shows that women and girls are also involved in gangs. Researchers estimate that young women account for 20 percent to 46 percent of gang members (Miller and Brunson 2000). Until recently, scholars have largely neglected female participation in gangs, believing that female participation was â€Å"statistically rare and the behavior substantively unimportant† (Esbensen and Deschenes 1998: 799). Often it was assumed that girls participated in gangs only as sex objects or at most ancillary members (Esbensen and Deschenes 1998). Recent work on the subject of women and gangs, however, has demonstrated that girls’ involvement with gangs goes beyond the roles of simply the â€Å"tomboy† or sex object. Women’s reasons for joining gangs, and the roles they fill within their gangs, vary widely. According to Esbensen and Deschenes (1998), there are factors that increase the likelihood of gang involvement that are specific to females alone. These include subordination to males, future as a housewife occupied with â€Å"meaningless domestic behavior,† responsibility for children, fear of abuse, exposure to violence, and social isolation, which all increase girls’ likelihood of joining gangs (Esbensen and Deschenes 1998). Similarly, based on in-depth interviews with female gang members from the greater Detroit area, Taylor (1993) argues that the â€Å"feminization of poverty† and the disenfranchisement, social isolation, and neglect of poor women (especially black women) has led to greater gang involvement. Strain created by these factors encourages women to turn to gangs and drugs as the only avenue available for them to achieve. The general oppression of women in American society, Taylor argues, adds to this strain. Esbensen and Deschenes (1999) also find that risk factors differ for males and females. For women but not for men, commitment to academic achievement decreased the risk of becoming involved in violent crime while in a gang. The experiences of female gang members within their gangs are also different than the experiences of their male counterparts. Through in-depth interviews with 20 female gang members in Columbus, Ohio, Miller (1998) found that women often have difficulty being accepted as gang members. Many attempt to show â€Å"masculine† leadership qualities, such as being tough, able to fight, and being willing to engage in criminal acts for the gangs. Beliefs that women are weaker than men, however, mean that women have a harder time proving their commitment to the gang. Nevertheless, women might also gain acceptance through connections to influential, high-status men – a route to acceptance that is less available to men (Miller 1998). Women’s participation in crime within the gang is also different from men’s. Though girls are involved in less serious forms of delinquency, gang boys are still more likely to be involved in the most serious forms of crime, such as drive-by shootings and gun assaults. This is due both to the deliberate exclusion of girls from these types of crimes and the fact that young women themselves often use gender as means of avoiding crimes they find dangerous or morally dubious (Miller and Brunson 2000). The lesser involvement of girls in more serious forms of crime, however, can lead to the devaluation and mistreatment of female gang members because they are perceived as less valuable to the gang. Female gang members are also more likely to be sexually mistreated than male gang members (Miller 1998). Given these facts, it is not surprising that female gang members are more likely to experience social isolation and low self-esteem than males (Esbensen and Deschenes 1998). Overall, the literature on gender and gangs clearly demonstrates that the experiences of gang life differ for males and females. There is also some research that demonstrates that the experiences of gang members also differ by race. For example, white youth are significantly less likely than any other ethnic group to become involved in gangs (Esbesen and Deschenes 1998). The 1998 National Youth Gang Survey estimated that nationwide, gang membership was 46 percent Hispanic and 34 percent African American (Rosenthal 2000). In a study of homicides in Chicago from 1990 to 1994, African American males were sixteen times more likely to be charged with gang-related homicide than white males, and Hispanic males were thirteen times more likely to be charged with gang-related homicide than non-minority males (Rosenthal 2000). While this may be due in part to a greater proportion of gang membership among African Americans and Hispanics, it could also be a result of bias in the criminal justice system and in media representations that emphasize the criminality of minorities. Both media and criminologists focus on black-on-black street crimes while downplaying similar crimes committed by Caucasians (Covington 1995). Race can also affect the types of crimes gangs are likely to be involved in (Shay 1998). Reviewing the literature on youth gangs, Howell (1998) found that African American gangs are usually affiliated with the drug trade. Hispanics put more emphasis on their territory and frequently become involved in turf wars. Caucasian and Asian gangs are mostly involved in property crimes. However, Pih et al. (2008) found many similarities in types of crimes committed, regardless of race. Looking at surveys and interviews of Latino gangs in Lawrence, Massachusetts, and Taiwanese gangs in Southern California, Pih et al. find that, despite some minor racial differences in crimes committed, most respondents of both races engaged in similar types of crimes: gun fights, drug sales, drug use, auto theft, robbery, and burglary. Latinos, however, are less able to leave gang membership than Taiwanese gang members. This is because Latinos generally had lower education and therefore fewer opportunities for legitimate work outside of the gang. Latinos also had less social capital because their parents tended to be unemployed. Overall, because â€Å"unavailability and inaccessibility to legitimate economic, cultural, and social capital left the Latino respondents little change in advancing in normative institutions and processes. Illicit activities became an attractive, if not the only, option† (Pih et al. 2008: 490). This demonstrates how differing racial identities impact gang membership. Over the past 20 years there has been an emergence of hybrid gangs: non-traditional gangs that are composed of at least two different races/ethnic groups. According to research done in 2000, hybrid gangs account for 36 percent of gang types. Hybrid gangs are less involved in the drug market and turf wars; the members are also less likely to be involved in serious violent and property crimes. These gangs typically have more Caucasians, girls, and younger members than normal gangs (Starbuck, Howell, Linquist 2001). Though it is clear that both race and gender affect gang life, there has been little research on how racial and gender identities intersect and affect the experiences of gang members. However, this question has been investigated in other areas of criminology. In her book Sexed Work, Lisa Maher, presenting data obtained from interviews with female drug users in Bushwick, Brooklyn, shows how multiple dimensions of identity, including race, gender, class, and ethnicity, intersect to produce segregation in drug markets and sex work (Maher 1997). For example, though Latino men dominate the drug markets in Bushwick, Latina women are generally excluded from the most profitable jobs in the drug economy because of gendered cultural expectations for the proper roles of Latinas (Maher 1997). Maher argues for the importance of intersectional analysis in her study of the Bushwick Drug economy. The social sciences, Maher argues, tend to view race and gender as discrete and independent variables (as is clear from the literature on girls and gangs). Maher, however, maintains that it more useful to look at these dimensions of identity and interdependent and multiple. She demonstrates this approach by showing how inter-racial tensions and intra-gender conflicts among female drug users fostered the social isolation and occupational segregation of female drug users. For instance, because Latina sex workers tended to engage in less formal forms of prostitution, they were often resented by African American and white sex workers. This tension prohibited the formation of beneficial social networks and worsened competition in the sex trade (Maher 1997). Miller and Brunson (2006) also investigate the interaction of race and gender through surveys and interviews of 75 African American youth in St. Louis, Missouri. Miller and Brunson found that African American males were more likely than African American women to report mistreatment by the police. African American females, however, were more likely than African American men to be stopped for curfew violations, confirming research suggesting that the police are likely to treat girls more harshly for minor or status offences (Miller and Brunson 2006). Young black women also complained about police responsiveness in cases of violence against women (Miller and Brunson 2006). Some women also expressed concerns about sexual violence committed by the police (Miller and Brunson 2006). Thus, though previous research has demonstrated that African Americans in general are more likely than Caucasians to be treated harshly by the police, this treatment plays out in distinctly gendered ways (Miller and Brunson 2006). Despite the fact that studies of intersectionality have yielded interesting insights in other studies of gender, race, and crime, there has been little research done on intersectionality in gang life. As we have seen, the literature on girls and gangs tends to focus on either race or gender. Joe and Chesney-Lind (1995) do examine how gang members in Hawaii respond to challenges facing them in ways affected by gender and ethnicity, but there is little focus on the interaction of gender and ethnicity. This is a gap in the literature that ought to and must be filled. Treating gender and race as discrete variables within the context of gang life obscures the ways in which these dimensions of identity function as â€Å"interlocking systems of oppression† (Collins 1990: 553). As Kimberle Crenshaw argues, â€Å"because the intersectional experience is greater than the sum of racism and sexism, any analysis that does not take intersectionality into account cannot sufficiently address the particular manner in which Black women [and undoubtedly other women of color] are subordinated† (Crenshaw 1989: 140). Because race and gender are not merely separate and additive, we must examine the ways that these variables intersect and produce racialized and gendered hierarchies in order to fully understand the experiences of women of color.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

“The World is Flat” Essay Example

â€Å"The World is Flat† Essay Example â€Å"The World is Flat† Paper â€Å"The World is Flat† Paper Name: Course: Instructor: Date: Book report on â€Å"The World is Flat† 1. The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century by Thomas Friedman is an elaborate work, which provides the effects of globalization in the 21 century. The term â€Å"the world is flat† is used metaphorically and is used to indicate the dire need for level playing ground for global commerce and business. A level playing ground for commerce is essential in that it provides the competitors with similar market conditions for growth of commerce. Additionally, the term â€Å"the world is flat† is an indication of the increasing irrelevance of geographic and social boundaries in the world (Friedman, pp. 41). Hence, organizations in the contemporary business setting are increasing their competitiveness and profitability using aspects such a technology and globalization to enhance their cause in achievement of global competitiveness. The author provides that he as an advocate for liberalization of markets to result in global free trade. He also provides criticism to states around the world resisting the changes in terms of global commerce and business. The book is based on individual research, individual reflections and conversations with the public. Friedman provides that there are ten flatteners of the world which aid in making the business and commerce fair for all organizations in the world. The first flattener is collapse of The Berlin Wall in September 11 1989. The author describes in the book that, â€Å"When the walls came down, and the windows came up.† (Friedman, pp. 45). It symbolized the end of the cold war and gave way for people from either sides of the wall to engage in rebuilding the society and economies as well as engage in constructive commerce. In essence the fall of the Berlin war was an indication of the end of communism and paved way for technological changes such the increased use of personal computers for interactions and use in commerce. Technological advancements peaked during this period resulting in the introduction of new products such as Windows, personal computers, word processing, dial up modems and standards tools for communication such as global telephone communication system. Such have e nhanced globalization through improved channels for communication. The entry of Netscape into the field of technology was a main flattener in that the firm instigated the access of the internet to a larger part of the population. Netscape enhanced access to the internet from the previous restrictions, which only provided limited numbers of people with access to the internet. This is essential in that it played a significant role in the process of digitization. Products such as music, files, pictures and word documents could be easily accessed from the internet and manipulated by people in the various parts of the world. Hence, the internet has enabled interactions from a global perspective thus increasing commerce from a global perspective. The development of Netscape and its entry into the digital market provided a precedent in terms of digital and other technological advancements around the world. It resulted in the development of the fourth flattener, which is workflow software. This is defined in the book as the interactions of machines without the involvement of human beings. This according to Friedman would provide the world with a new means of interaction through the creation of a new platform for collaboration. In addition, this would also lead to the fourth flattener, which is open sourcing. This is made possible by the presence of an elaborate platform for collaboration of the various online projects. Such include the present online platforms such as Wikipedia, online softwares and blogs. This according to Friedman is, â€Å"the most disruptive force of them all† (Friedman, pp. 53). The fifth flattener is outsourcing which allowed modern day companies to delegate or split activities such as services and manufacturing. This is essential for companies in that they are able to achieve efficiency and costs effectiveness of costs reductions using such approaches. The sixth flattener according to Friedman is offshoring, which the author defines as the ability of organizations to take advantages of incentives provided by other countries necessitating the relocation as a means for cost reduction. Entry of countries into the World Trade Organisation (WTO) has facilitated increased competition in an increasingly competitive world. This is because of the need by such countries to encourage trade in their respective territories with incentives such as lower taxes and operating costs. In addition, offshoring as provided in the book has allowed for the seventh flattener, which is described as supply chaining by Friedman. Supply chaining has increased because of offshoring and collaboration. Supply chaining is widely used by multinational entities in that they focus on diversity of markets to increase profitability and reduce the potency for risks. He points out that successful companies such as Wal-Mart provides an elaborate example for attainment of competitive advantage through diversification, clear lines of supply and distribution of products and services to the customers. The eighth flattener is in-sourcing which entails the execution of services on behalf of other organizations. This enables other entities to reduce their costs of operation as well as increasing the revenues of the entity executing the services for another organisation. The ninth flattener is in-forming, which is the increased ability of the society or people to find information with ease, which is aided and provided by the internet through the various search engines. The last flattener is what Friedman defines as â€Å"the Steroids† which comprises of the modern digital products such as cellular telephones, Personal Digital Assistants., Instant Messengers, iPods and voice Over Internet Protocols. From the ten identified flatteners, it is expressly evident technology has been a major driver towards the achievement of globalization and realization of â€Å"flattening† in Friedman’s words. 2. The â€Å"flattening† of the world has been an inevitable phenomenon in the modern society (Friedman, pp. 61). This is because of the technological advancements evidenced in the modern society through the presence numerous changes in the social interactions as well as in the world of commerce. In addition, it is also evident that commerce and technology have become mutually reliant on each other for relevance. Electronic commerce is evidently increasing in that it has assumed a great position in the society by enabling the society to achieve globalization. Electronic commerce is defined as the sale and procurement of goods and services using information technology systems. Literature provides that there are three specific waves of electronic commerce. This include putting up market information on the world wide web, allowing online orders in terms of sales and purchases and construction of electronic means of exchanges for funds and provision of means for receipt of goods and services. Essentially technology and the related advancements are currently the largest used channels of communication. This is because of the numerous avenues for communication by the internet. This has been a driver of growth in that it has enabled business around the world to assume global expansion strategies as well as accrual of benefits such increased efficiencies and reduced costs of operation. Modern day technology in comparison to traditional technology used in business is different in entirety. This is evidenced by the large-scale application of technology-based products in the execution of tasks in the contemporary organisation. Technology advancements have aided the development of new products, services and new approaches to satisfy the consumer needs and wants as well as providing consumers with profound experiences thus subsequently cultivating customer loyalty. Technology and the internet are the highlights of modern day advancements. They enable simultaneous execution of numerous tasks delegated in an organisation. Hence, an organisation is able to use technology and related products for costs reductions in processes and activities in the organisation. Cost reduction is considered as one of the greatest challenges in the management of an organisation. This is because costs are usually brought about by either necessary or unnecessary processes or activities in the organisation. Technology has been a driver in terms of organizational practices assumed by contemporary organizations (Friedman, pp. 63). Innovation and creativity are also strong points for any organization. This enables an organisation to achieve competitive advantage brought about by new products, services and new approaches in terms of execution of tasks in the organisation. Hence, majority of corporations around the world, if not all corporations around the world, have undertaken the incorporation of electronic commerce as a means of diversifying the market access. The internet provides both individuals and corporations and the society with numerous economic opportunities in an era marked with declining employment and revenue opportunities for individuals and corporations respectively. It provides for intermediation and disintermediation, frictionless commerce and trade, competitive pricing strategies assumed by an organisation and personalized sales and marketing for the consumers. Disintermediation and intermediation arise from need to decrease and increase the value chain especially in respect to the sale or market for soft goods. Disintermediation allows for the reduction of the value chain in specific instances such as the sale of soft goods such as music and files. Majority of this genre of products are sold via the internet. This is good for an economy in that it ensure the reduction in prices of commodities and resulting in subsequent increase in demand of the commodities. It essentially reduces the costs for the producers and the customers. Customer costs are reduced by their ability access goods and services form the comfort of their homes and offices. In addition, it reduces the costs of operation for the producers in that the line of distribution is shortened which also includes the reduction of possible intermediaries who increase costs of services and goods (Friedman, pp. 60). The time for access of goods and services is reduced because of the elimination of intermediaries such as retailers and wholesalers. This is because the producer is involved in direct contact with the consumers. Direct channels of communication are paramount in such relationships between the consumer and the producer in that they provide the consumers with an avenue to air their complaints in terms of the ability of the products or services to provide satisfaction of needs and wants. On the other hand, re-intermediation is brought about in that; the connection with intermediaries such as brokers, wholesalers and retailers provides an organisation with access to a specific market segment. This is essential in that organizations are able to increase their diversity in terms of access o new markets and consumer segments. This provides organizations with the much-needed avenues for improving service delivery to the consumers in the market (Friedman, pp. 69). Commercial opportunities in the internet are available to both organizations and individuals seeking to start enterprises. Frictionless commerce is usually attractive for both the customer and the organisation. This is because it provides mediums, which ensure minimal contact between the customer and the seller. Organizations could use the internet by using approaches, which would ensure that they are able to increase their profitability and levels of competitiveness. Increasing skills and knowledge as it relates to functions in an organisation with respect to technological advancements is paramount in contemporary organizations. Organizations could ensure that they have access to highly qualified individuals with employee programs such as training and development of employees in preparation for the technological changes, which have been gradually changing market conditions and commerce in general. Traditional commerce has been embedded in friction, which arises from issues such as costs of finding partners, costs of gathering information about products and consumers and the costs of establishing customer trust and loyalty. For achievement of frictionless commerce, there is paramount need for individuals in business as well as corporations to ensure they have adequate and perfect information about consumer needs, wants and their respective markets of operation. Organizations could ensure that they have adequate information about the pricing strategies and trends used in a given market. This allows for preparations by an organisation with the aim of ensuring that they maximize their revenues. Pricing strategies should be made with respect tom the demand and supply of goods and services issued by an organisation in its respective market of operation. Miscalculations about pricing of services and goods in a market would be a costly mistake for an organisation (Friedman, pp. 77). Organizations and business people could also take advantage of the technological advancements and ensure their survival using personalized marketing approaches provided by an organisation. Personalized marketing is essential in the contemporary business settings as it provides the organisation with an avenue of attracting potentially loyal consumers of its products and services. Customer trust and loyalty is usually based on the satisfaction of the consumer needs and wants and the provision of the customer with a profound customer experience. Hence, an organisation should be able to invest in marketing approaches, which ensure attraction of new customers. In addition, this could be enhanced by research and development of new products and services in the market. Research and development is paramount for organizations, which aim at achievement of their strategic goals and objectives. Research and development could entail research on new products, strategies, and markets’ viability. This provides the organisation with the much-needed precise information about issues, which relate to the achievement of its strategic goals and objectives. Organizational functions are usually driven by the need to increase profitability through understanding the consumer needs and wants. Understanding the consumer needs and wants is essential in that it provides the organisation with information such as the current and future consumer trends. Such information provides the organisation with information, which could be used in planning and budgeting to ensure the satisfaction of the consumer needs and wants (Friedman, pp. 89). Conclusively customer focus could be achieved with use of technology systems. An organisation usually exists because of the presence of customer who are purchasers of the organization’s services and products. Additionally, organizations could ensure their presence in the internet and provide for electronic payments and the subsequent deliveries of products. such usually provides security to the consumer that he or she is able to get additional value for the services and products purchased from an organisation. Special focus on consumer needs and wants ensures that an organisation has perfect information about the consumer needs, wants and preferences; resulting in the development of goods and services which are sufficient for the consumers in their efforts of satisfaction of their needs and wants.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

What constitutes a prudent strategic planning process(In public Essay

What constitutes a prudent strategic planning process(In public service) - Essay Example In the process of establishing a strategy, the first measure has to be establishing a foundation for the process. This entails planning how to instigate the process of strategy making. This ascertains that no hitches are experienced in the planning process. According to Norman Flynn, this procedure is known as planning how to plan (Norman 184). This procedure further ensures that guidelines for the process are clearly articulated beforehand. The goal for setting out strategies entails achieving the mission and vision of the respective public organ. As such, it is imperative that these be spelled out clearly in the strategic planning process. This is hinged on the fact that, this ensures that the strategies are formulated in line with the respective vision and mission of the public organ. This assertion is further cited by other researchers (Bryson 266). When this is not adhered to, the public organ runs the risk of formulating redundant strategies thus impeding its overall benefit to the public. Often, there are intrinsic factors that prevent a firm from total effectiveness in its mandated task. It is only in the event where such factors, if indeed they exist, are addressed will the organization realize its mission and vision. As such, an important element in a strategic management process identification of these factors. These intrinsic factors fashion a core rationale behind the failure of public endeavors (Steiner, 325). A variety of different strategies are normally proposed during the strategic planning process. However, it takes significant deliberation to arrive at the most beneficial avenue. The team tasked with this mandate has to weight the impact of all the proposed strategies and recommend the most appropriate one. The team must seek to answer preset questions on the best avenue to employ (Sukumar 134). The best strategy should be the one that positively answers these preset questions. At its climax, the planning process

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Art Museum Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Art Museum - Research Paper Example He is considered a modern artist, which means that he belongs to the era that roughly extended from the 1980’s to the 1970’s, and of a movement that is characterized by a tendency towards experimentation and abstraction (Cahoone). However, despite the undeniable fact that his work was fresh and thought provoking, he shied away from creating abstract artwork, and stuck to the classical technique of oil painting. His paintings were composed and crisp, marked with the influence of the realist painter Gustave Courbet. With superficial examination one might declare that there is nothing modern about Balthus’ work. However, there is an indisputable air of strangeness to his work. This ‘strangeness’ that strikes many as almost disturbing is felt not through the style of painting but rather it was within his depictions and subjects that he displayed his modernism. Balthus’ art is marked with his fascination for the uninnocent sexuality of adolescent girls. Most of his work feature young women in an ordinary setting, but they are shown as naked, or are shown in contorted and suggestive positions. While the artist himself insists that there is no element of sexual provocation in his work (Cahoone), it is difficult to deny the stimulating and sexual nature of most of his work. An example of this would be the oil painting ‘Guitar Lesson’ which was made in 1934. While the title brings to mind an almost domestic scene, the actual painting depicts a young woman half naked with her skirt pulled almost to her waist exposing her bare private parts while she lies across her music instructor’s lap in place of a guitar. Her music instructor, who is a middle aged woman, holds her much as she would hold a guitar, with her right hand clutching the young woman’s hair and the left hand grasping her student’s inner thigh provocatively close to her

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Case bmw Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Case bmw - Essay Example Other commitments that come with committing to the Aerospace Industrial Strategy are ATI (HM Government 6). Finally, BMW needs to have a huge pool of capital to venture into such as business. The aerospace industry rates among the most expensive in the world, and; therefore, any firm willing to venture into this business should have a wide pool of capital (HM Government 6). The aerospace industry is highly rated (HM Government 44). It adds huge value to a company. Investors are willing to invest in firm that will give ample returns of their investment; thus BMW will have a wide pool of investors due to their planned venture into this industry. This endeavour will also allow BMW to follow regulatory issues in the aerospace sector. It will allow their firm to have a wider pool of talented workers because in a highly valued sector, there is a much wider pool of talent compared to other sectors (HM Government 44). Normally, investors will look at a firm’s position and evaluate their performance; therefore, if BMW is willing to venture into this sector, then it will have a much wider pool of investors. HM Government. Lifting Off – Implementing the Strategic Vision for UK Aerospace. N.p, 2013. Web.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Charlie Wilsons War

Charlie Wilsons War Phase II: Synopsis In the year 1979 the Soviet Union took over the Afghan capital city of Kabul and started a war that devastated the people and land of Afghanistan. A congress man of Texas took it upon himself to help the Afghanistan people suffering from the Soviet Union invasion. Congressman Charlie Wilson, with the help of Gust Avrakotos and Joanne Herring, fought with stubborn politicians, nation leaders, and endured career damaging stories in order to give the people of Afghanistan a fighting chance. With the budget for the war effort being only 5 million, Congressman Wilson, with the help of an anonymous donator, raised the fund to more than 1 billion dollars. The Afghan war effort, set on an equal playing field with the Soviet Union, was able to overcome the Soviet Union and take back the Afghanistan peoples homes. Phase III. Analysis The movie Charlie Wilsons War takes place from 1979 to 1989 and tells the story of how the biggest covert operation in America happened. Charlie Wilson, a Texas congressman, who, with help, raised the necessary funds needed in order to give Afghanistan weapons that could help throw out the invading Soviet Union forces. Based on a true story the movie sticks to the facts and realistically portrays the main character, Charlie Wilson, and the events that lead to the freedom of Afghanistan. The film shows the importance of what happened and how it changed future events. Charlie Wilsons War described the proceedings from 19 years ago that shaped the way events have happened today. The movie focused on the funds, and how they were gathered, that gave the Afghan fighters the weapons and training that they needed. Congressman Wilson, with the help of others, raised the governments budget for the Soviet-Afghan war from a few million to 750 million. With a new flood of money and weapons to help in their fight, the Afghanistan people were armed and inspired to fight the invading Soviet Union forces. As a reward for making it possible to defeat the Soviet Union, Congressman Wilson was given the stinger tube that shot down the first enemy aircraft. Something about the events of the film that has to be noted is the impact that the events of the past had on our present. Had America not interfered, Afghanistan would have been taken over by the Soviet Union which could have lead to them eventually controlling Pakistan and the stores of oil. Allowing the Soviet U nion to take control might have prevented the conflict we have with the countries in the Middle East now. However, allowing both Afghanistan and Pakistan to fall into the hands of the Soviet Union would have meant that we would surrender the supply of oil Pakistan held. Charlie Wilsons War is a film of importance, showing scenes of historical events that have come to dictate the way both Afghanistans and Americas people live. Based on a true story, Charlie Wilsons War holds several historical events which should be noted. Inspired to help the refugee situation in Afghanistan after reading an Associated Press report, Congressman Wilson began to help build funds that would allow the Afghan people to fight the invading Soviet Union. Elected to be on the House Appropriations Subcommittee of Defense, Congressman Wilson was able to request, and receive, a doubled budget for the Afghanistan war. With the help of both politicians and private citizens, Congressman Wilson was able to raise enough funds to support the Afghanistan war effort. This covert operation, named Operation Cyclone, was the largest covert operation to ever happen in the history of the CIA. After ten years of fighting the Soviet Union, Afghanistan became the first country to ever defeat the Soviet Union. The Clandestine Services organization gave the Honored Colleague award for the first time to a citizen, Charlie Wilson, for his efforts in the Afghan War. The historic events in this film shaped many peoples opinion about the situation in Afghanistan. The war in Afghanistan 19 years ago resulted in opposing political views in the United States each having valid reason for helping or not helping the situation in Afghanistan. The side I agree with would be the people who were for supporting Afghanistan in their fight against the Soviet Union. Giving The United States a valid reason to support Afghanistan with a covert operation and giving more than 5 million as funding, would hide the fact that we were are in no way friendly towards Russia. Another reason for the U.S. to intervene would have been that we are a nation who stands for justice and the massacres and other atrocities happening in Afghanistan demanded our attention. In helping Afghanistan we also helped ourselves, not only did we get the satisfaction of seeing the Soviet Union beaten, we also kept something far more valuable than, our oil supplies, out of their hands. In the movie the Afghan leader talking to Congressman Wilson said that the only reason the Soviet Union wa s attacking was because of their location relative to Pakistan. By controlling Afghanistan the Soviet Union would have a direct road to Pakistan and where they could control the flow of oil. The Soviet Union had control of the oil it would have led to serious economic problems for the United States. Many people who know how we helped Afghanistan say that by our contributing to their war effort in the past we just gave them weapons to use against us now. Although there may be some truth to our own weapons being used against us, the fact remains that in the past we did not know this and we could not ignore the suffering people of Afghanistan. Helping Afghanistan was to our benefit in the past and I agree with the decisions made by people like Congressman Wilson and Joanne Herring who raised the necessary funds. Every film has good moments and bad moments, although Charlie Wilsons War is not exempt from this, it is one of the movies that almost perfectly shows the true story. Most films that are based off a true story stick to the very basics and add to the movie to make it interesting or dramatic. This movie however, tells the true story with very little the added fiction. Charlie Wilsons War accurately describes the events that occurred in the late 1900s. The meeting with Gust Avrakotos was not how the actual event happened; however, Congressman Wilson did eventually meet with Mr. Avrakotos when he went to the CIA to learn more about weapons for Afghanistan. Although the movie does focus on the serious nature of what is happening, it also adds comedy providing a break from all of the technical names and political scenarios. Though I could have done without the nudity in the movie, it helps to show the reason Congressman Wilson was called Good Time Charlie. Despite some of the flaws in the film I still recommend this film to anyone who wants to watch a great story. Charlie Wilsons War is a fun and historically accurate movie that shows the difference one man can make. The movie has love, conflict, courage, sorrow, and comedy which will keep its viewers captivated until the final scene is finished. I give Charlie Wilsons War four and a half stars for the ability to stick to the truth and still keep the audience involved. I highly recommend it to anyone wanting to learn a little more about American history.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Internet Browser Essay

Despite the fact that Internet Explorer 5. 5 is one of the most popular in companies, I’d like to recommend another one – Maxthon Browser 2. 0, because it is much more convenient for office working. Maxthon Internet Browser 2. 0 is a powerful tabbed browser nowadays. Its main advantage is a highly customizable interface. Although Maxthon Browser is based on the engine of Internet Explorer, it has many additional efficient features. What works in Internet Explorer works as well in Maxthon Browser and even better and faster. (Maxthon). Maxthon Browser includes many new features involving full customization of layout, new clean interface, multi-tab workspace, better security and improved rss/podcast reader. Until nowadays a big inconvenient was: bookmarklet, toolbar and 3rd party plugins. Maxthon 2. 0 supports all of the functions compared with Internet Explorer, Opera, etc. Additionally Maxthon has few exclusive screenshots below. Nevertheless the most interesting feature of new Maxthon is its possibility to create an account and to store all necessary information and settings online. The function is simply used just by logging in. Although Opera, Internet Explorer and FireFox are more sophisticated and have got more market share, Maxthon is swiftly gaining popularity. (Maxthon) Today is the era of Internet and application functionality is able to expand beyond the operating system into the desktops and the web. Personalization and delivery is very important and Maxthon Browser with its organic growth is a serious representative of such trend. In several years Maxthon will become a key player in the Internet market, because it has serious investors such as Morten Lund, CRV, and WI Harper, growing community and actually beautiful product. I recommend Maxthon, because it differs from other browsers and makes working process with Internet easier as it includes the visible gestures and customizable Tab handling. But the most useful is if the browser is closed accidentally with ten tabs open, the next time it is opened, they are still there. (Maxthon). References â€Å"Maxthon: the Browser that Rocks†. (2006, February 28) Retried September, from http://www. techcrunch. com.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Early years education Essay

1.1 – Summarise entitlement and provision for early year’s education There are many different types of early year’s provision which has been funded by the government for early years education. All three and four year olds are entitled to 15 hours of free early year’s education entitlement per week across the 38 weeks of the annual year. Theirs are five different settings where Parents can choose to give their child for their Free EY Entitlement they are: †¢Pre-school playgroup-. It is an early childhood program in which children combine learning/education with play and it is an organization that is provided by fully trained and qualified staff †¢Private Day nursery- A facility provided for the care and learning for children from the birth to 5 they are usually run by a business or a private organisation and are not linked with the government. †¢Child-minder (who belongs to a registered child-minder network)-child minders are self-employed providing the care for children in their own homes , they offer full time or part time places or flexible arrangements. Child minders are registered with the Ofsted and are inspected in accordance with the Ofsted procedures and regulations to ensure that he child-minder is providing and safe and suitable environment for the children. †¢Maintained nursery school- is a school for children between the age of 3 and 5. It is run by fully qualified and trained to staff who encourage and supervise education play and learning rather than just providing childcare. It is part of early childhood education. †¢Nursery or reception class in a primary or independent school -Nursery schools provide a more direct and structured education for early years children aged 3 to 5 Some may be part of an independent school for older age groupseg infant and primary schools. Reception classes are run by a qualified teacher. 1.3 – Explain the post 16 options for young people and adults

Friday, November 8, 2019

How to Cite a Newspaper Article in Vancouver Referencing

How to Cite a Newspaper Article in Vancouver Referencing How to Cite a Newspaper Article in Vancouver Referencing Even in an era of fake news, you can’t get away with fake referencing. Thus, if you need to cite a newspaper article in your work, make sure you know how to do it properly. In this post, for example, we’re looking at how to cite a newspaper article in Vancouver referencing. How to Cite a Newspaper Article in the Main Text When citing a newspaper article in Vancouver referencing, the basic citation format is the same as for any other source. This means using numbers in brackets to indicate a citation, typically after final punctuation: The Shonky Awards highlight problematic products. (1) These bracketed numbers point to an entry in the reference list at the end of the document, with sources numbered in the order they are first cited. Above, for example, we’d be citing the first entry in the reference list (which would also be the first source cited in the document). The main variations on this format are as follows: You can cite sources mid-sentence when an author is named in the text. You should include page numbers when quoting a source directly. We can see both variations in the following passage: A report by Clun (1) on the Shonky Awards sheds light on current consumer culture. These awards publicize brands, products and companies that are â€Å"taking advantage of Australian consumers† (1: p. 84). Here, we give the first citation immediately after the author’s surname. And in the second citation, we show that we’ve quoted page 84 of the newspaper. Newspaper Articles in the Reference List The general format for a print newspaper article in your reference list is: (Citation Number) Author Surname and Initial(s). Title of article. Title of Newspaper: Section. Year Month Day: Page number(s). Typically, you would also abbreviate the month here (e.g., â€Å"October† would become â€Å"Oct†). In practice, then, a reference might look like this: (1) Clun R. Choice awards Shonky to Commonwealth Bank’s Dollarmite program. Sydney Morning Herald: Business. 2018 Oct 4: 84-85. The format is mostly the same for an online article, but you should include: A date of citation (i.e., when you last accessed the article) followed by the words â€Å"cited in† in square brackets after the date of publication. A URL for the article instead of page numbers. This should be placed after a full stop and the words â€Å"Available from.† We would therefore list an online version of the article above like this: (1) Clun R. Choice awards Shonky to Commonwealth Bank’s Dollarmite program. Sydney Morning Herald: Business. 2018 Oct 4 [cited 2018 Nov 25]. Available from: Vancouver Variations You can use the format above to cite a newspaper article. However, there are many versions of Vancouver referencing. You should therefore check your university’s style guide (if available) for their preferred reference format. If you do not have a style guide, simply apply a clear and consistent referencing style throughout your document.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

what is AIDS essays

what is AIDS essays AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. It is not passed down from generation to generation through genes, but it is acquired. AIDS is a disease that attacks the immune system, a system that is vital in fighting off disease. This disease causes the immune system to be deficient, or weakened, so that it cannot properly fight off diseases because it is unable to produce white blood cells. AIDS is a syndrome or a group of illnesses with many possible symptoms that can occur together in a weakened condition. This disease is not localized in one specific area, its is found all over the world. ( AIDS is the most common and widespread deficiency disease known to mankind. It has already infected and killed millions of people worldwide. Its two viruses, named human immunodeficiency viruses (HIV-1 and HIV-2) are retroviruses that use RNA as its genetic material. When it invades a eukaryotic cell, a retrovirus reverse transcribes its RNA into DNA, which then directs the synthesis of more viruses, using the transcription and translation machinery of the cell. The HIV virus weakens the immune system by infecting and destroying helper T-cells, which are mandatory for the use of defending the bodies immune system. The HIV virus in turn causes AIDS. HIV cannot survive outside the body for very long. The virus can be transmitted only by the direct exchange of body fluids- including blood, semen, vaginal secretions, and breast milk. The HIV infection can be spread through sexual activity, sharing of needles among drug users, blood transfusions, or during pregnancy or childbirth. There are no cures for the AIDS virus but effective vaccine treatments developed in recent years have slowed but not stopped the process and helped patients live longer. Scientists are not certain as to where or when the AIDS virus evolved. Researchers have shown ...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Evaluation of Web Accessibility for the Visual Disabled Essay

Evaluation of Web Accessibility for the Visual Disabled - Essay Example This essay discusses that the human-computer interaction based evaluation technique is the most useful way for the assessment of usability for the system inspection regarding system design and working. However, the heuristic evaluation and human-computer interaction are performed as a systematic inspection of a newly developed system that is intended to offer the user a better support and easy to use interface during working. Furthermore, human-computer Interaction evaluation encompasses a small set of usability analysis parameters that are used to weigh up the system working capabilities and user interface related aspects (Dix et al., 1998; Marchionini & Sibert, 1991). This research and analysis based report is about the human-computer interaction based analysis for the accessibility issues for the web system in case of visual disabilities. The main intention of human-computer interaction based evaluation in this research is to find out the system related accessibility issues in the system design for people having visual disabilities. Maeda (2004) stated that in last few years, huge sets of World Wide Web accessibility and usability guiding principle have been produced. Frequently these rules meet. For instance, when we view a picture in HTML, we are able to as well identify substitute text for that picture. This makes the website further supportive for all viewers for the reason that a number of them cannot be able to see graphical descriptions in their web browser. In addition, the design of websites develops a profusion of usability confronts. Also, the websites are extremely multifaceted, holding hyperlinked credentials, complex direction-finding scheme, and community information areas. This report has presented a detailed analysis of a software tool by applying the Jakob Nielsen's heuristics evaluation module for the people having visual disabilities. In this report, I have analyzed the ACE-Project for the usability analysis in case of system usage by disabled people. In this analysis, I have found that ACE-Project offers excellent functionalities and working capabilities for normal people however in case of visually disabled people this web-based system does not offer help. In this scenario, I have recommended some of features and facilities for the disabled people. These additional features are helpful redesigning the system to support a large number of disabled people who desire to use this system.

Friday, November 1, 2019

School Lunch Lady Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

School Lunch Lady - Essay Example Hence, the staff in those schools was extremely strict, especially the lunch lady, so that the students learn to adjust to the harder way of life. She used to make the same porridge everyday, and gave only fixed amounts of food to everyone, to keep the children away from any kind of luxury. Although the image of that lunch lady is still in the minds of children today, not one school has a lunch lady of that caliber. Today, children are not scared into doing something, but are politely made to understand between right and wrong, and their consequences. For instance, if children need to be stopped from eating a lot of candies, they cannot be forced or scared into doing it, but be explained the harmful effects of doing what they are doing. I believe that this image of the lunch lady should have been gone with the extinction of old boarding schools, but media was always there to save it from dying, and has still kept it alive. Fairy tales and other children's books have played a major role in keeping the lunch lady alive. The stereotype can be seen in stories like Hansel & Gretel, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, and others.