Saturday, September 7, 2019

Assessment and Learners Essay Example for Free

Assessment and Learners Essay Introduction The aim of this report is to identify my roles and responsibilities as a teacher delivering the Level 2 Certificate in Youth Work Practice (City and Guilds). The course is attended by trainee youth workers aged 18 and over and consists of 20 taught sessions and a work-based placement. The qualification is assessment based, with all Learners producing a portfolio of evidence to support their learning. The portfolios are assessed, checked by an Internal Verifier and samples of the portfolios are checked by an External Verifier to agree the standards of assessment. Responsibilities The role of teacher holds many responsibilities. Lifelong Learning UK (LLUK) defines two teaching roles: 1. Associate Teacher, Learning and Skills (ATLS) which is a supportive role 2. Qualified Teacher, Learning and Skills (QTLS) which is a full teaching role To become a QTLS the Institute for Learning (IfL) states: â€Å"As a new entrant to teaching in the Learning and Skills Sector, you will have to complete the PTLLS award. It must be completed within one year of initial employment. † (March, S, 2010: 4) It is my responsibility as a teacher to complete this qualification and continuously develop my skills as a professional. As a teacher some of my responsibilities include having knowledge and understanding of the subject, curriculum development and delivery and appropriate initial, formative an summative assessment methods. As a teacher within the Level 2 Certificate in Youth Work Practice I am responsible for the development and delivery of a suitable curriculum to enable Learners to complete the qualification by demonstrating and evidencing their learning. This also includes carrying out initial assessments for all Learners and identifying any needs of the individual or the group. During the development of the curriculum I plan and prepare sessions to meet the learning outcomes of the course, sourcing and developing appropriate resources then delivering sessions and supporting Learners where necessary. Suitable assessment methods and evaluation processes will also be structured into the curriculum to ensure continuous development of the course, the Learners and the teachers. Other responsibilities within my role include: * Appropriate record keeping. This may include Learners details, registration forms, Initial Assessments, registers, portfolio files, results and assessment records, placement details and session plans alongside schemes of work. These records are kept to ensure all Learners’ needs are met and progress is appropriately recorded on Individual Learning Plans which are necessary for certification. Work placement details and Criminal Record Bureau (CRB) checks also need to be kept to ensure safeguarding and health and safety policies and procedures are followed correctly. Records must be kept in accordance to legislation and also as a matter of best practice and for auditing purposes. * Suitable evaluation. Evaluation of the Learners’ progress is essential to their learning to identify areas for improvement. It is important to evaluate the curriculum, sessions and my own development to ensure my practice is reflective, professional and continuously developing. * Respect. Paramount to my role as a teacher is respect for the Learners and my colleagues, including professional boundaries. This includes maintaining a degree of formality and understanding of the limits of my relationship with the Learners, ensuring these are made clear, preventing the crossing of boundaries. This also includes an awareness of my own limitations within my role and knowing how and where to signpost Learners for further support. Legislation There are many policies and procedures to follow within my own organisation and the qualification awarding body, governing many aspects of my role as teacher. Some of these relate to legislation such as: * The Equality Act (2010) This act promotes equality of opportunity. My practice must be inclusive and take into consideration this legislation to prevent discrimination as guided by mu organisations Equal Opportunities Policy. * The Data Protection Act (1998) This act regulates the processing and storing of information about individuals. My organisation follows appropriate policies and procedures in accordance with this act including storing all Learners’ files in a lockable file in a suitable environment only accessed by authorised staff. * The Copyright Licensing Act (CLA) (1988) Organisations must have a license to copy parts of books and documents. It is vital to ensure this is followed when copying any material to ensure it is done within the limits of the organisation’s licence. * Health and Safety at Work etc Act (1974) This is the main piece of legislation covering health and safety in the work place including anyone entering and using the premises. * Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (1999) This Legislation requires all  employers carry out appropriate risk assessments, implement necessary measures, appoint competent staff and arrange suitable information and training around health and safety. My organisation also follows appropriate policies and procedures to ensure both this and the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974) are complied with. This includes risk assessments, record keeping, first aid training, incident reporting and safeguarding policies and procedures. As well as legislation and organisation policies and procedures there is a code of practice to be followed by teachers, produced by The Institute for Learning (IfL). This outlines the standards of professional behaviour expected of members working in further education and includes: * Professional integrity regarding all interactions with Learners, colleagues and other professionals. * Show respect to all Learners and colleagues and recognise and value diversity and engage in anti-oppressive practices. * Ensure reasonable care regarding the safety and wellbeing of others where possible and within legislation. * Provide evidence of your own professional development. * Notify the IfL as soon as possible after cautioning or conviction for a criminal offence. * Provide appropriate support during any investigation by the IfL. My own practice also requires me to work within the National Youth Agency code of practice too. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion As a teacher it is essential that my practice ensures the fair treatment of all Learners and that they are allowed equal opportunities to participate and gain the qualification. This may involve adapting sessions including timings, resources, assessment methods and providing additional support where necessary. The Equality Act (2010) bans unfair treatment and aims to achieve equal opportunities within the work place and wider society. The act replaces previous anti-discrimination laws to make legislation simpler and remove inconsistencies and covers nine protected characteristics which cannot be used as a reason to treat people unfairly. The protected characteristics are: 1. Age 2. Disability 3. Gender reassignment (choosing to live as a gender other than that assigned to you at birth, with or without surgery. ) 4. Marriage and civil partnership 5. Pregnancy and maternity 6. Race 7. Religion or belief 8. Gender 9. Sexual orientation The Equality Act identifies ways in which it is unlawful to treat people including: * Direct and indirect discrimination * Harassment * Victimisation * Failing to make reasonable adjustments for people with disabilities My organisation operates within an equal opportunities policy influenced by this Act which must be followed by all staff and Learners. As well as a commitment to equality within my practise it is important to recognise and value individual differences and the different cultural backgrounds of Learners, colleagues and the wider community. My practice must promote diversity through my behaviour, use of language and appropriate challenging of others to reflect this. Inclusion within teaching ensures that all Learners are able to participate and feel included, removing any barriers to their learning experience. This should include all teaching and learning processes from the planning and delivery stages to evaluation and further planning. Appropriate information should be collected at the Initial Assessment stage to allow necessary adaptations to the teaching programme. This may include providing additional support for Functional Skills or allowing time and space for prayers. Recommendations for professional practice Throughout my teaching practice I will continuously update my skills through training, supervision and self-evaluation to ensure a high standard of professional practice. I will also review all necessary policies and practices to work within legislation and promote best practice. It is also important to maintain suitable contact with governing bodies to stay updates with codes of conduct and changes to legislation. Bibliography Cohen, L, Manion, L and Morrison, K. (2004) A Guide to Teaching Practice, 5th Edition, Suffolk: Routledge Great Britain. Equality Act 2010, London: HMSO March, S. (2010) Preparing to Teach – the first steps: Chartered Institute of Environmental Health.

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